This Entry/Edit Form allows you to View, Add, Edit or Delete EARNING and DEDUCTION codes.


As depicted above, the active COMPANY is "XYZ Company". The user is browsing (Browse mode) and is currently looking at the CODE "725" for Employee 50663(Mitchell, Lonnie K.) which has been given the description "Loan Repayment %."

Note: Codes in this form can be defined as EARNING CODES or DEDUCTION CODES according to the TYPES to which they are assigned. In light of this fact, we will use the neutral term CODE as a generic reference to EARNING or DEDUCTION CODES.

Note: When you select a CODE from the LIST control (click on a line) in the upper portion of the Form, the associated CODE data will be displayed in the bottom portion of the Form. You may also delete CODES by highlighting a CODE and clicking the DELETE key. Clicking on a Column heading will sort the list by that Column; clicking again on the column header will toggle the sort order (Ascending vs. Descending).

Note: Although this form contains predefined controls, they may be configured to meet your specific "Business Rules." See Validation Methods for more information on customizing controls.

See The Mouse verses the Enter/Tab Keys for information on moving through a form.

See Importing Data for information on importing initial data.

CODES are 3 character numeric fields that are completely user-defined with the following exceptions: CODES 1-100 are utilized by CCS to define common EARNING and DEDUCTION categories and are not available for assignment. (See Tax Entities for special functionality for Codes 80-89.)

CODES Overview:

CODES are used by CCS Payroll to detail all of the EARNING and DEDUCTION transactions that, in aggregate, comprise an Employee's PAYCHECK. CCS offers an incredibly versatile and flexible array of options for creating CODES to cover virtually any conceivable payroll situation and for assigning CODES to EMPLOYEES. Once CODES are properly set up, creating checks for any pay period is a mere click of a button.

The CCS Payroll program comes with a set of CODES already set up for basic payroll earnings (regular, overtime, holiday, etc.) and deductions (FICA, FUTA, Federal W/H, State W/H, etc.). These CODES range between 1 and 100 and are user editable, however, we recommend that you only:

Add additional state & local taxes in codes 80-96.

Add or change the Suta experience rating of the company in code 93 - 0, the yearly limit will automatically calculate for you, the balance is 0.00. Add banking information if you wish to make the Suta payment via the CCS Payroll Program. Click the Bank Button and put your UCT Code # in the Ref. field. Remember to click the show address click box and fill in the agency name & address if you will be paying with a paper check, also click the Combine multiple weeks click box unless you want each payperiods line item listed separately on the Suta payment check See BANK BUTTON below for a more in depth explanation. Please read about POST TO EMPLOYEE below.

Click the Global checkbox of code 96 - 0, if your state has a withholding tax and add banking information if you wish to make the State withholding payment via the CCS Payroll Program. Remember to click the show address click box and fill in the agency name & address if you will be paying with a paper check, also click the Combine multiple weeks click box unless you want each payperiods line item listed separately

If you have Worker's Comp. Insurance, edit code 94 - 0 to set this up, if you wish to make the Worker's Comp. payment via the CCS Payroll Program. Remember to click the show address click box and fill in the agency name & address if you will be paying with a paper check, also click the Combine multiple weeks click box unless you want each payperiods line item listed separately. Put your Worker's Comp. Account number in the Ref. field inside the Bank Button. If you require multiple Worker's Comp. rates refer to the Help system.

If you will be paying FICA, Futa, Federal Withholding & Medicare via CCS Payroll then put the payment information inside the Bank Button of code 90 - 0. This will automatically link to codes 79-0, 91-0, 95-0, 98-0 & 99-0, you do not need to fill in the banking information for them separately. Remember to click the show address click box and fill in the agency name & address if you will be paying with a paper check, also click the Combine multiple weeks click box unless you want each payperiods line item listed separately. You do not need to input Ref. information for these three codes, the program will automatically get the EIN from the company information.

If you need additional earning type codes please add them using ID numbers between 100 and 499.

If you need additional deduction type codes please add them using ID numbers between 500 and 999.

Because CCS automatically assigns basic payroll earnings and deduction CODES to every new EMPLOYEE, you can begin generating payroll checks as soon as you enter EMPLOYEES without assigning a single additional CODE. If your needs are more complex, read on--CCS Payroll can automate your requirements irrespective of the complexities involved.

NOTE: Predefined Deduction Codes for withholding tax have special functionality. For details, click here.

New CODES are added to meet the payroll requirements of your specific situation. Using the above picture as an example, CODE 725 has been defined as Loan Repayment. Notice that the first line of the list box shows CODE 725 with an EMPLOYEE # of 50663. If the employee number were 0 this would be the COMPANY LEVEL Code. Every time a new CODE is defined, the EMPLOYEE # is zero, and all of the fields are available for input (including the ones disabled in the above picture). You must define a Company Level code before Defining an Employee Level Code.

Once the code has been fully specified at the COMPANY LEVEL, you have three options for assigning it:

  1. You can click on the Global (All Employees) check box. All codes marked as Global are automatically included during the generation of each Paycheck (for all Employees). Regular Pay and FICA, are examples of Global codes. These CODES apply to all employees, even though the amount will vary from pay period to pay period and Employee to Employee.
  2. You can go to the EMPLOYEE form and assign the new CODE to those specific individuals to whom it pertains. You can assign a Company Level Code to any Employee; that is, a code need not be defined for a particular Employee (Employee Level Code), to be utilized by a particular employee.
  3. You can add the code manually during the generation of a paycheck.


What is the difference between a Company Level Code and an Employee Level Code?

  1. The Company Level Code defines the Basic Parameters and characteristics of a Code. This is perhaps best visualized by the picture above. Notice that many of the fields are disabled (grayed out). These values are defined (and editable) at the Company Level only. Each Employee Level Code always uses, or inherits these values.
  2. A Company Level Code can be assigned to any employee, whereas an Employee Level Code is only utilized by the specific Employee.
  3. The Employee Level Code overrides the Calculations, Limits, Balances and Expirations that were defined in the Company Level Code.
  4. The Period to Date, Month to Date, Quarter to Date, and Year to Date values of the Company code reflect the totals for all employees, whereas these same fields in the Employee Level Code reflect the values for a particular Employee.

For instance, say you create the Company Level Code 192 has a Bonus with a calculation that defines a 2.25% Bonus based on Regular Earnings (on a Paycheck) and assign this Code to all employees by Clicking the "Global (All Employees)" check box. (How to create such a code is described in detail below.) During the generation of Paychecks, this Code will be included for all Employees, causing a bonus of 2.25% to be added to their Gross Pay. Now let's further assume that you have created an Employee Level Code 192 for Employee 86746 "Samuel Mayfield" and have changed the amount from 2.25% to 1.25%. When the CCS Automatic Paycheck generation logic creates the Paycheck for Samuel Mayfield, it will see that an Employee Level Code 192 exists; it will use the values defined in it (i.e., 1.25% instead of 2.25%), causing the bonus for Samuel Mayfield to be calculated at the lower rate. Employee Level Codes can be used to override calculations as well as expirations for any category and type of Code.

If you define an Employee Level Code, then that code is always utilized by the program for the Employee for whom it was created, regardless of the method used to assigned it.

Employee Codes are most useful when the values used in calculation (all of the fields available at the Employee Code level) will differ from Employee to Employee:

  1. When the Limit differs from that of the Company Level Code.
  2. When a Balance needs to be maintained for a particular Employee, such as an Employee Loan.
  3. When the Code should expire at a different time than the Company Level Code.
  4. When the Replacement Code differs from that of the Company Level Code.

During the creation of a PAYCHECK, all CODES assigned to an EMPLOYEE will be available by default for data entry, regardless of how they were assigned, and regardless of whether they are Company or Employee Level Codes. Using the example from the above picture, Mitchell, Lonnie K. (#50663) would have a deduction of 20.00% of her Gross Earnings for "Loan Repayment" on every PAYCHECK until the balance of 1720.00 is reduced to zero. Once the balance is reduced to zero, the code will become inactive for Employee 50663. (Note: The Limit of 300.00 prevents more than $300.00 from being taken from any one paycheck.) The Value that calculated during the creation of a paycheck is the "Default" value; it may be overridden at that time.

Once CODES are assigned, how can they be manipulated during paycheck creation?

NOTE: Paychecks can be created using Timecards or they can be created without using timecards (see Paychecks Without Timecards for details).

On any PAYCHECK, you have 5 options insofar as CODES are concerned:

1) Accept the entire paycheck as is, with all calculations made by the program based on the CODES that have been assigned, whether globally or specifically, to that employee.

2) Modify the values of any CODE, overriding the default calculations.

3). Zero out a default CODE. Note: The zeroed CODE will not appear on the specific PAYCHECK. It will, however, continue to appear as a default CODE for the EMPLOYEE until you delete it from the specific EMPLOYEE. See below for details.

4) Change the CODE ID, which has the effect of removing the old CODE and adding the new one.

5). Add as many additional CODES as needed for the specific pay period. These newly added CODES would not automatically appear in future PAYCHECKS for the EMPLOYEE. You would have to assign new CODES to an EMPLOYEE (Rates tab of Employee file) in order for them to appear as default CODES on future PAYCHECKS.

Once CODES are properly set up and assigned, the vast majority of your PAYCHECKS, with all of the applicable detail, will be created automatically by clicking on the Auto Create button in the Paycheck Form.

Note: When you use the Auto Create feature with the "Create All Paychecks" mode, all paychecks are created at once. These values can then be changed if needed via the Edit mode.



To Add a new CODE:

1. Select Maintenance|Earnings & Deductions from top menu bar or go to the Payroll Home Menu, Click the "Codes" button, then "Deductions" button on the Codes & Maintenance Menu.

2. Click ADD on the SIDE TOOLBAR or on the top TOOLBAR.

3. Complete the form as described below. After the last Entry is completed, the record will be saved automatically.

Note: The first time you add a new CODE, the COMPANY LEVEL record must be created. Once created, the COMPANY LEVEL record can be tailored to a specific employee by creating EMPLOYEE LEVEL records. For example, if you wanted to assign CODE 725 (defined as Loan Repayment in the above picture) to Thomas Nichols, you would take the following steps:

A. Initiate the Add Mode (see #2, above).

B. Input "725" in the ID field.

C. Either enter the EMPLOYEE ID or, if you do not know it, type a portion of the Employee's last name and press <Enter>. A window will appear showing all matching EMPLOYEE records. Select the desired EMPLOYEE.

D. Enter any details specific to that EMPLOYEE and save your work. In the above example, you would want to deduct a specific percentage from Thomas Nichols paycheck until the loan was repaid. So you would enter the deduction in the Amount field, the maximum amount to be repaid during a single pay period in the Limit field, and the balance owed on the loan in the Balance field. Every paycheck for Thomas Nichols would show a deduction for the percentage entered in the Amount field until the Balance is reduced to zero. The amount of the deduction would be fully editable until the PAYCHECK is actually closed out. See CLOSING PAYROLL in the Help Index. The payroll for each period must be closed out before the loan balances will be updated. We recommend that you leave the Payperiod open until the next time you need to run a payroll for each company, so changes can be made and checks can be reprinted if necessary. The Closing of the payroll would be the first step in the next payroll run.


Note: Our Code 725 uses a "Percent of Gross" so that the Limit Field can be discussed. More often than not you would probably set up a Loan Repayment type as a Fixed amount (Say $50.00 / Week) without regard to the Gross Earnings on the Paycheck.


To Edit an existing CODE:

1. Select Maintenance|Earnings & Deductions from the top menu bar or go to the Payroll Home Menu, click the "Codes" button, then the "Deductions" button on the Codes Menu

2. Enter the CODE NUMBER you wish to edit in the ID field. Press ENTER. Enter the EMPLOYEE# (zero if you want to edit the COMPANY LEVEL record). If the CODE exists, it will be displayed. (To search alphabetically by name, see Alpha Search.) Additionally, you can use the RECORD buttons to locate a particular CODE or select the CODE from the LIST control in the upper portion of the Form.

3. Complete any changes needed as described below. Tabbing past the last entry; moving to a different record; or clicking ADD, SAVE, or OK on one of the TOOLBARS will validate and save your changes.

Note: Any changes made to a COMPANY LEVEL CODE record will automatically be changed for every EMPLOYEE who has been assigned that CODE by closing the form or by clicking "Update All". If, for example, you decided to change the description of CODE 725 from lower case "Loan Repayment" to upper case "LOAN REPAYMENT", all EMPLOYEE CODE records assigned to CODE 725 would receive that change automatically. Exception: EMPLOYEE LEVEL fields with non-zero dollar/percent values would not be updated by any change to the COMPANY LEVEL record. Using the above-pictured example, if you changed Amount for the COMPANY LEVEL (Employee #0) record to, let's say, 10%, none of the existing Employee records would be affected since they all have non-zero values.

To Delete an existing CODE:

1. Select Maintenance| Earnings & Deductions from the top menu bar or go to the Home Menu, Click the "Codes" button, then "DEDUCTIONS" button on the Codes Menu

2. Enter the CODE NUMBER you wish to delete in the ID field. Press ENTER. Enter the EMPLOYEE# (zero if you want to delete the COMPANY LEVEL record). If the CODE exists it will be displayed. Additionally, you can use the RECORD buttons to locate a particular CODE or select the CODE from the LIST control in the upper portion of the Form. Note: If you delete a Company Level Code, All Employee Level Codes for that same code will also be deleted.

3. Click the DELETE button on the SIDE TOOLBAR or button on the Top Toolbar. If you are deleting a COMPANY LEVEL record to which individual EMPLOYEE records have been added, all of the EMPLOYEE records will be deleted automatically. In such an instance, you will be asked to confirm the deletion, with a warning that EMPLOYEE LEVEL records are also about to be deleted.

See Edit Modes for more information on the Edit modes used by most CCS forms.


The Controls of the CODES Form:

Note: The values shown below in square brackets represent the default range applicable to each control, however these ranges can be configured to allow additional values (or restrict values). See Validation Methods for more information.

CODE ID:[0 to 999]

The CODE ID is used to uniquely identify a CODE. This will be the value used to represent a particular CODE throughout the program.

NOTE: The Change button above this control allows you to change the assigned Code for any user-created Earning or Deduction Code. (This button is disabled for Codes 1-100.) Say, for example, you created a Deduction Code for 401K's and assigned it an ID of 590. You later decide that you want it to be Code 600. You would locate the desired Deduction Code record and click on the Change button. The program would ask you what the new ID should be and, upon your confirmation, change the Code from 590 to 600, changing all affected records in the process. There is one exception: If you put a Code in an Include textbox, it will not be updated. You would have to change those records manually.

EMPLOYEE#:[0 to 999999]

For a COMPANY LEVEL record, the EMPLOYEE# is always zero. Once a COMPANY LEVEL record has been created, you can create a CODE that is specific to an EMPLOYEE by entering the EMPLOYEE #. If you do not know the EMPLOYEE #, type a portion of the Employee's last name and press <Enter>. A window will appear showing all matching EMPLOYEE records. Select the desired EMPLOYEE and the EMPLOYEE # will be filled in by the program.

STATE:[1-3 alphanumeric characters]

This field is only enabled if you have multi-state employees (payroll tab of the Company form.). See Multi-State Employees for details.

DEPT:[1-3 numeric characters]

Note: The department column size can be altered. (For instance if you need a 4 character department.) Please see the "Size" button in the Department form.

If a particular CODE should always default to a particular department when used within a paycheck, then enter that department here. This will cause any earning line item using this CODE on the paycheck entry screen to default to the department you have entered here (which can be changed during paycheck entry/edit of course.). When you use the Multi-Department per Paycheck mode, (See the Payroll tab of the Company Form), you may enter a different department for each earning item on a paycheck. Generally, the department used on each line item will default to the department used by the paycheck itself (which is generally set to the department the employee has been assigned to in their employee form.) If; however, the department for a particular CODE is always the same for all employees who use the CODE, then entering that department here will prevent having to change the department during entry of the paychecks.

This logic also affords a handy way to setup multiple pay rates for a group of employees based on the department they work. For example: If Department 010 represents bartenders, and all bartenders are paid $5.50/hour, $6.25/hour, or $7.00/hour depending on years of service and experience etc., then create three earning codes. (For instance 201, 202 and 203), and enter a description such as Bartender Pay (Grade 1), enter "010" as the department for all three, make them a category of "R" (regular pay), and a TYPE "07" (hours x amount). Enter the pay rates in the amount field as applicable. Then assign the codes to each of the employees who work as bartenders. (Via the Earnings pick list in the employee file.). When you enter or edit paychecks for employees who have one of these CODES, the program will allow you to enter the number of hours worked in this CODE (and thus this department.). If you do not enter any hours for the CODE (skipping over it) then no earnings will be given to "Bartender Pay" in department 010. This is a very handy way to assign multiple pay rates to employees who work in multiple capacities (and/or departments). Multiple pay rates can also be established via CLASSES when used in conjunction with TIMECARDS



DESCRIPTION:[1 to 25 alphanumeric characters]

The DESCRIPTION is used to label the CODE. This description will appear on most reports pertaining to CODES.


A CATEGORY determines whether a CODE is an Earning or Deduction Code. CATEGORIES provide descriptive details for check stubs and provide for further refinement of reports by describing the Calculations that will be performed on them. Choose from one of the following:

* System This is a system Code which has special functionality described below.
4 401K Employee Employee's 401K contribution and 401K loans. (For loans, be sure the word "Loan" (case ignored) appears in the description.
A Allocated Tips Allocated tips do not affect the Gross or Net payroll. See Tips Setup.
B Bereavement Bereavement pay
C Credit Card Tips Tips that are disbursed back to the employee via their paycheck. See Tips Setup.
D Deduction Employee deductions not otherwise defined
E Earnings Earnings not otherwise defined
F Fringe Benefits Earnings pertaining to fringe benefits (Can be reported in box 14 of the W2)
H Holiday Holiday pay
I Reimbursements Funds reimbursed to an employee
K 401K Employers Employer's 401K contribution
M Meals Meals provided to an Employee, which will be added to the Gross for possible taxation, but not the Net.
N Non-cash Earning Compensation other than cash (stock, Paid Housing, etc.) - Can be reported in box 14
O Overtime Overtime earnings
P Personal Personal leave pay
R Regular Regular pay
S Sick Pay Sick pay
T Tips Earnings derived from tips, which are often taxed but not included in "Net" See Tips Setup.
U Union Union fee deduction
V Vacation Vacation pay
W W/Comp Worker's Comp. deduction (Employer Tax)
X Employer Taxes Employer taxes
Z Direct Deposit Direct Deposit


Some CATEGORIES are identical internally; they exist for clarity and for reporting purposes. For example, the CATEGORY <B> is handled identically to CATEGORY <E> in all aspects of all internal CCS Logic, yet was created so that Bereavement pay could be tracked and reported on with greater ease.

Note: If you do not see a specific Category that you had in mind, then choose the category that best matches that which you are defining. For instance, if you are defining a Tuition Allowance, simply use <E> for Earning and give the Code the name "Tuition Allowance." The values you enter while completing the form will actually define how the "Tuition Allowance" code will be handled by the CCS Paycheck creation logic. If, however, the allowance is paid directly to the school (and not to the Employee), then select Category <N> for non cash Earning.

Note: Category Z exists for the sole purpose of setting up Direct Deposit for employees.


TYPE further defines a CATEGORY and the Calculations (if any) that will be performed on a Code. TYPE often interacts with the AMOUNT field (see below) to determine the unit of measure, the formulas to apply etc. The following TYPES are available:

Type Applicable To Category Types: Description.
01 All Codes

FIXED RATE: No further calculation is performed--whatever value is placed in the AMOUNT field (see below) will be utilized as is and becomes the "Default" amount for that code in each applicable paycheck.




PERCENT OF GROSS: A deduction that is determined by a percentage of the employee's gross pay. Any number entered in the AMOUNT field would be treated as a percentage. Examples would include CODE 95 (Fed W/H) and CODE 90 (SS). In the former example, no value would be entered into the AMOUNT field since the actual percentage withheld is dependent upon a variety of factors and is calculated via the entries made in the Federal Tax table. In the latter example (Social Security), the percentage withheld is constant across all employees; therefore you would enter the proper percentage in the AMOUNT field. For the Year 2003, this value is 6.2%.

Reimbursements (Category 'I') are not used in the determination of wages for non tax type percent of Gross Calculations. (For instance a 401k setup as a percent of gross will not consider Reimbursements as wages.). Generally all tax entities are unchecked for a Reimbursement, which causes the Reimbursement to be ignored by all tax calculations as well. Reimbursements generally increase the Employees paycheck, without altering taxation or calculated deductions.

03 All Codes. RATE OF REGULAR PAY: Allows the input of HOURS during the generation of PAYCHECKS. The value in AMOUNT field is interpreted as a rate, which is multiplied by the Employee's regular pay rate to obtain a PAY CODE RATE for this code. The PAY CODE RATE is then multiplied by the HOURS (which are either user-entered or imported from TIMECARDS). For example, HOLIDAY PAY is commonly based on eight hours at a rate equal to the employee's regular pay rate. To execute this calculation TYPE 03 is used with a value of '1.00' in the AMOUNT field. The Automatic PAYCHECK creation Logic performs two calculations as follows: REGULAR PAY RATE x AMOUNT = PAY CODE RATE (which would be the same as the REGULAR PAY RATE in this example). After the hours are input for the PAY CODE, the calculation, PAY CODE RATE x HOURS = PAY CODE WAGES becomes the "Total" amount for this Code. If you wanted to pay time and a half in this example, you would enter 1.5 in the AMOUNT field.
04 H, V, S, P

HOURLY ACCUMULATOR: Accumulates HOURS payable to an employee for any of the applicable CATEGORIES based on the values entered in the AMOUNT & LIMIT fields. The value entered in the AMOUNT field for this TYPE is a percentage, as explained below.

For example, assume a company awards VACATION PAY based on a percentage of total hours worked in a calendar year. And further assume that the pay period is weekly, based on forty hours per week, with a maximum HOLIDAY PAY achievable of two weeks per year (eighty hours per year). In this example, the applicable percentage is four percent. This percentage was derived by dividing the maximum HOLIDAY hours that each employee may earn in a year by the number of hours the employee must work in order to earn them. 52 weeks times 40 hours per week = 2080 total hours 2080 hours less 80 hours HOLIDAY pay = 2000 hours. 80 hours HOLIDAY divided by 2000 total hours = 4% ratio.

The ACCUMULATOR would be set up as follows:

TYPE 04 Hourly Accumulator.
FREQUENCY 0 Every pay period.
AMOUNT 4.00 Four percent ratio.
LIMIT 40.00 Maximum HOURS per week to be used in the calculation.
INCLUDE blank. Include All Hours of this paycheck (Regular, Overtime etc.)

Given this definition, the presence of the ACCUMULATOR in the PAYCHECK SCREEN will cause all HOURS (not to exceed LIMIT) to be totaled. The HOURS are then multiplied by four percent, and the total displayed as the default response in the HOUR column of the PAYCHECK SCREEN. The total (either the calculated total or an overriding entry by the operator) will be added to the EMPLOYEE'S UNPAID VACATION field.

ACCUMULATORS do not affect the GROSS or NET wages of an EMPLOYEE - they are considered to be an EMPLOYER'S EXPENSE. Each CATEGORY of ACCUMULATORS defined requires the definition of a PAY CODE of the same CATEGORY, for which wages will be actually be disbursed. For example, the above definition of a VACATION ACCUMULATOR shown above must be complemented with a PAY CODE using the VACATION CATEGORY and a TYPE CODE of 03. VACATION ACCUMULATORS require VACATION disbursement. SICK PAY ACCUMULATORS require a SICK PAY disbursement code etc.

Please see PTO examples in this help system for more examples on setting up accumulators.

05 All Codes EARNINGS X PERCENT. The AMOUNT field is treated as a percentage. The Dollar Amount of all Earnings based codes are multiplied by the AMOUNT value to create a "Total" which becomes the "Default" on the paycheck.
06 H,V,S,P

DOLLAR ACCUMULATOR. Identical to TYPE 04 except Dollars are used in the accumulation and calculations instead of Hours. Use a type code of "01" to when it is time to pay out the accumulated values.

When you use an hourly accumulator, you should use a type '03' (Rate of Regular pay) when you wish to "Pay-out" any or all of the accumulated amounts. When you use a Dollar accumulator, use a type '01' (Fixed amount) to payout the accumulated amounts. The accumulators increase the amounts in the employee accumulation fields, while disbursements decrease those same accumulators. It is important that you use the same type (Either hours or dollars) for a single accumulator, or your accumulated totals will not be accurate.

Note: The accumulators in the employee record are updated when the payroll is closed.

Please see PTO examples in this help system for more examples on setting up accumulators.


All Codes.

HOURS X AMOUNT. The Amount field is treated as a dollar amount. The Hours of all other hourly based Codes are multiplied by the AMOUNT value. This calculation becomes the Default "Total" value for this Code. Let's say, for example, that a union charged all of its members $.025 cents per hour worked as union fees. You would create a Code with Category U (Union), Type 7 with .025 in the Amount field. Any Employee who has this Code assigned would receive a deduction of 2 1/2 cents per hour worked



% OF DEDUCTION: A deduction that is determined by a percentage of any or all other Deductions. Any number entered in the AMOUNT field would be treated as a percentage. Examples would include a State tax that is based on the Federal Tax (CODE 95), or an Employer 401k Contribution, based on the Employee 401k Contribution. Use the INCLUDE field to define which CODES are to be included or excluded in this calculation.
10 R

VARIABLE RATE REG: Used in conjunction with the TIMECARD module when the Timecard rate differs from the Employees normal pay rate.

Regular hours and regular pay wage totals are extracted from the TIME CARDS. The extracted totals become the default values for SYSTEM defined REGULAR PAY (CODE 4) . When a Timecard reflects Earnings at a rate other than the Employee's Base Pay Rate (or Overtime Rate), the Automatic Paycheck Generator searches for the best predefined CCS code to match the timecard to (if no Timecard to Paycheck link Overrides have been defined). If no match is found, then the first code using a Type of 10 is utilized to hold the extracted Timecard Totals.

For example, if an Employee is assigned the CLASS of 12C, which defines a Regular Shift 1 pay rate of 12.50/Hour, then all Timecards for that Employee having a Class of 12C in Shift 1 will be totaled, becoming the default value for CODE 4 (Regular Pay). However if the Employee works in Shift 2, or in a Class other than 12C, and this assignment causes a pay rate other than 12.50/Hour, then he or she will have worked outside of the Base Pay rate. When this occurs, the CCS Paycheck creation logic performs the following checks:

  1. It looks at the user-defined links between Timecards and Paychecks. If an acceptable match is found, than that code is utilized in the Paycheck.
  2. If no Link is found, then the logic further searches for one of the predefined Codes for possible use. For instance Regular Pay Shift 2 (CODE 5), would be used if the the Timecard was based on Shift 2 and within the Employees Normal Class Assignment.
  3. If no match is found in the predefined Codes, and a Code with a Type of 10 can be found for this employee, it will be used to hold the Variable pay values of the applicable Timecards.
  4. When no matching Code can be found, an error message will be generated telling you of the situation, and detailing which code(s) must be created in order to allow the Paycheck generation to be completed.

Types 10 and 11 can be used to override the normal payrate when used in conjunction with the Timecard to paycheck link override logic.

11 O

VARIABLE RATE OVR: Same as Type 10 except applicable to the Overtime Category.


15 Any Earning Minimum Wage Calculator. This type insures the paycheck's wages meet minimum wage. Enter the Min. wage for the amount field. All wages on the check will be divided by all hours. If the rate is less than the amount you enter in this code, then the required additional amount will added to the paycheck. To simplify calculations, this code should be the last (highest) earning code on the paycheck.
21 D,Z % OF NET. For Direct Deposit, input the percent of the net amount to be paid that is to be directly deposited.

Note: All Categories and Types can be further refined by use of the INCLUDE field, which is described in detail later.



This field allows you to define how often a CODE is applied. The available options are as follows:

  • 0--EVERY PAY PERIOD: Apply this CODE every time a paycheck is created.
  • 1--Code Set #1 (This code belongs to Code Set #1, and will only appear when the payroll run enables Code Set #1)
  • 2--Code Set #2 (This code belongs to Code Set #2, and will only appear when the payroll run enables Code Set #2)
  • 4--Code Set #4 (This code belongs to Code Set #4, and will only appear when the payroll run enables Code Set #4)
  • 8--Code Set #8 (This code belongs to Code Set #8, and will only appear when the payroll run enables Code Set #8)

The FREQUENCY entered here is compared with the Frequency entered in the Auto Create Dialog of the Paycheck Form. This comparison controls which codes will appear on a Paycheck for a particular paycheck run. For further information see the Paycheck Auto Create Dialog.

Note: The Frequency field is restricted to the values shown above (0,1,2,4,8)


Enter the AMOUNT or PERCENTAGE as required in the calculation of hours, wages, taxes or deductions for this CODE.

  • CODES utilizing a TYPE of 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, and 08 interpret the value as a percentage (the value is divided by 100 before being used in any calculation).
  • CODES using TYPES 03, 10, and 11 interpret the value as a rate of the REGULAR PAY. (1.50 equals one and a half times the REGULAR PAY RATE)
  • CODES with a TYPE of 01 use the value as a FLAT AMOUNT without further calculation and is assumed to be a dollar amount.
  • CODES with a TYPE of 15 interpret the amount field as the current Minimum wage.


Enter the LIMIT as required in the calculation of hours, wages, taxes or deductions for this CODE. This field is used in one of the following manners:

A. In conjunction with tax CODES 90-99 (either Employee or Employer) to limit the total amount of tax during the calendar year. For example, as of this writing, an employee is taxed at a rate of 6.20 percent on the first $87,000.00 of the gross wages for Social Security. The limit used for CODE 90/91 (Employee/Employer FICA) would be set to '$5394.00' (6.2% of $87,000.00). The CCS Paycheck generation Logic will automatically disable the deduction when the limit of $5294.00 is reached. (The medicare tax of 1.45% would continue to apply)

B. In conjunction with a DOLLAR ACCUMULATOR to set the maximum HOURS per pay period which may considered by the ACCUMULATOR. This value represents the total hours which may be used in the calculation, not the calculated limit itself. For example, a limit of '40.00' allows the ACCUMULATOR to total all hours in the PAYCHECK (within the criteria of the INCLUDE field) up to a maximum of 40.00. This total is then used in the calculation. The Limit of 40.00 does not limit the final output of an Dollar Accumulator to 40.00 as seen in A. and C.

C. In conjunction with all other CODES to set the maximum amount which can be earned or deducted in any one occurrence of the CODE (generally once per Paycheck). This is applicable to both Company Level Codes as well as Employee Level Codes. For example, a Company Level Code defined as 10% percent of Gross could be given a LIMIT of $25.00. This LIMIT would cap the deduction at $25.00 in the event the Gross wage exceeded $250.00 on the paycheck currently being generated.


Most Codes allow you to establish a relationship between itself and another Code or Codes. Clicking on the button next to the LIMIT field (captioned "A") initiates the process and causes the following window to pop up:

LIMIT IS A % OF CODES:[List of Codes] (Advanced Includes)

If the Limit that you entered is to be a percentage of one or more other Codes, you would list the Code(s) here, with multiple codes being separated by commas. (As soon as you input any value in this control, the other controls on this form are disabled.)

Let's say, for example, that you wanted to match 50% of your Employee 401K contributions not to exceed 5% of gross pay. You would create a Code as follows to handle this scenario (See Code 600 in Company 99 for one that is already set up.):

  • Category: K--401K Employer
  • Type: 02--Percent of Gross
  • Frequency: 0--Every Pay Period
  • Amount: 5.00 (5%)
  • Limit: 50.00 (up to 50% matching)

You would then click on the Advanced Limit button and list the Code(s) for your Employee 401K. Company 99 has two: 601--a percentage of gross, and 602--a flat rate. So, for Company 99, the proper entry for this control would be "601,602" (without the quotes, of course). Whenever a paycheck is calculated that includes Code , it would force the program to calculate the employee's gross pay, take 5% of it, and then see if Codes 601 and/or 602 pertained to this employee. If either or both did, it would match the amount calculated by these Codes, thereby insuring that the matching amount did not exceed the 5% of gross amount. (See Defining a 401K for more details.)

403B: To set up a 403B, use Category 4 (Employee) or K (Employer). Be sure to use "403" in the Description. (The program looks for "403" in the Description during the printing of W-2's to differentiate between a 401K and a 403B.) Uncheck the taxes for which the 403B is a pretax.. A 403 prints as an "E" in box 12 of the W-2

408P or Simple: For a Simple Plan: Insure either the text "408P" or "Simple" appears in the description. Use Category 4 (Employee) or K (Employer).-- A "S" will be put in box 12 of the W-2. A "408" in the description without the "P" or "Simple" in the description will report on the W-2, box 12 as a "F". Uncheck the taxes for which the Plan is a pretax.

Section 125: To set up a Section 125 (Cafeteria Plan), use Category D if paid by the employee or Category X if paid by the employer. Be sure to use either "125" or "Cafe" (or "Cafeteria")--not case sensitive--in the Description. Uncheck the taxes for which the section 125 is a pretax.

If you place a minus sign (-) as the first character in the list, then the list of codes become an exclude list, instead of an include list. See the discussion of the include field below:


Remaining Controls: Each of the remaining fields on the advanced limits form allows you to enter the maximum allowable amount that can be earned or deducted within the time frame indicated by the caption. If, for example, you wanted to deduct $50 a week from the selected employee, but you only wanted to do so four times a month, you would enter $200 in the Payroll Month Limit. Whenever a month occurred that had five pay periods, the $50 would not be withheld on the fifth pay period because the Payroll Month Limit would already have been met.

ONCE ONLY:[Checked or Unchecked]

Check this box if this earning or deduction Advanced Limit set of parameters should occur only one time.

NOTE: The Limit field is a per occurrence (per Code on the paycheck) limit except for codes 80-99 which are tax codes. For these codes, the Limit is interpreted as a yearly limit. However, if an Advanced Limit is entered in Codes 80-99, then the limit is interpreted as a per occurrence limit, the same as all other Codes.

Note: If you use the "Total to Date" (TTD) column in conjunction with an accumulator, then the current TTD will be calculated as follows:

Sum of all unclosed records + value in the employees accumulator.

For example: Given a Sick pay accumulator with an advanced limit of 100.00 hours in the TTD column., and an employee having accumulated Sick hours in the amount of 98.0 (as seen in their Employee file in the Accumulated Sick pay column), and further assume an unclosed paycheck in the current period (or previous period) with an entry of 1.25 hours of accumulated Sick pay. Then when the next check is generated for this employee, the Sick Pay accumulator will be automatically limited to .75 hours. (98 + 1.25 + .75) = 100.00


The Balance is used in when a CODE defines a Deduction that needs a declining balance. An obvious example is a Loan Repayment as depicted in our picture above. The Current Balance is shown as 1720.00. This Code will become disabled once the Balance is reduced to zero.

Balances are updated during the closing of a payroll. Therefore they always reflect the latest closed payroll, without regard to Paychecks created but not yet closed. It is important that you close those payrolls that have been completed to insure that the balances are correct.

Note: The Balance field is disabled if the LIMIT is set to zero. This prevents the needless entry of large values in the BALANCE field for deductions that do not require a Declining Balance, such as Child Support.

Note: If you enter a limit, but no balance for any non-tax type (not codes 80-99) then the code is will be treated as "Expired", and no amount will be automatically deducted on the paycheck.

Note 2: If you enter a limit, but but no balance for any Employee override code, including tax types then the code is will be treated as "Expired", and no amount will be deducted on the paycheck. For example: Code 93-0 (Company level Suta), does not require a balance, however, 93-5 (A Suta override for employee #5), requires a balance, or the code will not considered during paycheck generation.


GLOBAL:[Checked or Unchecked]

A "Global" code is automatically included during the generation of each Paycheck (for all Employees). Regular Pay, FICA, Fed. W/H, UNION DUES are examples of Global Codes. These CODES apply to all employees, even though the amount will vary from pay period to pay period and Employee to Employee. Note: The inclusion of a Union Code is ignored for non-union Employees.

When you click this checkbox you are basically informing the CCS Automatic Paycheck Creation Logic that this code should be utilized during the creation of all paychecks for all employees. You may elect to create codes that perform no calculations or have calculations which produce values of zero and yet globally assign them to all employees. For instance, a CODE for OVER/SHORT pay could be defined with a flat amount of 0.00 and be globally assigned. This code would then appear on all paychecks with a default amount of zero dollars. In the event the employee is to be given a credit/debit of some type, you would simply override the zero amount with the needed value. Codes should not, however, be defined as global if they are rarely used since system performance will be degraded by the inclusion of a large amount of normally unneeded codes.

Note: CCS Predefined Codes that are needed during the creation of Paychecks which are based on the values of TIMECARDS need not be assigned to an Employee in any manner. For example, if your payrolls will be based on TIMECARDS, then you need not assign CODES such as Reg. Pay Shift 2 to any employee. The CCS Paycheck Creation Logic will automatically utilize such codes when a TIMECARD has been entered that incorporates an extended regular, overtime, double time, passive pay or Holiday type. You should, however, always mark the Regular and Overtime base pay codes (CODES 4 & 8) as Global so that their inclusion is assured irrespective of how paychecks are created..


CCS Payroll incorporates an open-ended report (Payroll Worksheet) that can be used to record hours worked for all employees in preparation for data entry. This report lists all of the employees for the Company and has ten columns without headings. The Worksheet Column creates column headers for this report. Using Regular Pay (Code 04) as an example, if you type "Reg. Hrs." in this textbox ( it will scrunch up as you type, but it will print out OK on the report) when you run the Payroll Worksheet report, a column on the report will contain the heading "Reg. Hrs."; this column would then be used to record the number of Reg. Hours each employee worked. The report is accessed as follows: Click on Reports from the Payroll Home Menu. Under Worksheets and Misc. Forms, select Payroll Worksheet.

INCLUDE:[A string of comma delimited codes] (Optional Field)

The INCLUDE field provides an explicit method of choosing which CODES will be included (or excluded) in the calculation of a particular CODE. To choose which codes are to be considered by the calculation logic, simply enter the CODES separated by commas. For instance, entering 601,602 will cause the program to include only codes 601 and 602 in it's calculations for this code.

If you place a minus sign (-) as the first character in the list, then the list of codes become an exclude list, instead of an include list. causing the entered codes to be excluded (not included). For example, entering -533, 601, causes the program to include all other applicable codes in the calculation of this code, except codes 533 and 601.

Note, the minus sign did not need to appear before code 601. This concept is very useful for garnishments where you are to withhold a percentage of the employee's disposable income (gross less taxes). By creating a percent of net deductions (category 'D', type '21') and entering the elective deduction codes in this list (a 401k code for instance), the garnishment code calculation will include all earnings and taxes (if they are not in the exclude list), but skip the voluntary deductions (if they are in the exclude list.).

You may also cause deduction codes to be deducted from a percentage of gross (type code 2) deduction calculation, by placing deduction codes in the include list. Any deduction code in the include list of a non-tax type code (not codes 79-99), percentage of gross calculation, will be deducted from the calculated gross, before calculating the current code. For example, if a company's 401K policy states that any section 125 must be deducted from the gross, before calculating the 401K, then in the include list for the 401K, simply enter the code number(s) of all of the section 125 codes. Note: You should precede this list with a minus sign if you are not also controlling which earning codes should be specifically included, or no earnings will be used for the calculation.

This is an optional field. A blank include field means all applicable codes should be considered in the calculation of this code. The entry of a code in the include list will not cause it to be considered if is not otherwise applicable to the calculation. For instance, a deduction code in the include list of a vacation accumulator will be ignored during the calculation of the vacation accumulator.




Examples using the Include/Exclude field:

Example of a deduction based on hours worked in a particular group of codes.


ID 701 You may use any ID between 500 and 999.
EMPLOYEE 0 Company Level Code
DESCRIPTION Union Dues Any Description that best defines this deduction
CATEGORY U This is an employee union dues.
FREQUENCY 0 Every Pay Period.
TYPE 07 Hours x Amount. This code will be calculated based on hours worked, not dollars earned.
INCLUDE 125,126, 155 These codes represent work performed in an area, that are to be taxed by this deduction.
AMOUNT .05 The employee will pay .05 dollars (five cents) for each hour they work in code 125, 126 or 155
LIMIT 0 No Limit.
BALANCE 0 No Balance


The assumption above, is the codes 125, 126 and 155 represent hours worked in a particular area (job, craft, class, department, etc.) that should be taxed by this particular union code.


Example of a hourly vacation accumulator, which should include only regular and overtime (no other codes will contribute to the vacation accrual.)


ID 201 You may use any ID between 100 and 499.
EMPLOYEE 0 Company Level Code
DESCRIPTION Vacation (1 week/year) Any Description that best defines this accumulator.
CATEGORY V This is a vacation accumulator.
FREQUENCY 0 Every Pay Period.
TYPE 04 Hourly accumulator
INCLUDE 4,8 Only Regular (code 4) and Overtime (code 8) are to be considered by the accumulator.
AMOUNT 1.96 The employee will earn .0196 hours for every hour they work in codes 4 or 8 (regular/overtime).
LIMIT 40.00 For an accumulator, this limit is the max. hours # of worked (in code 4/8 in this case.)
BALANCE 0 No balance is necessary for an accumulator.


The 1.96% was derived by taking the number of vacation hours an employee will earn in a year based on a 40 hour week (2080.00) and subtracting the vacation hours that the employee will not work in the year, (40 hours for 1 week of vacation pay.) This leaves 2040 workable hours. 40 hours / 2040 hours = .0196 vacation hours to be earned for every hour worked. Based on this formula, and employee who works 40 hours regular time, and 8 hours over time in the current week will earn .784 hours vacation for the week. (40 x 1.96) = .784. Only 40 hours was allowed, since the limit was set to 40.00

Note: If your accumulator should take into account other hourly earning codes, simply enter them in the list. It is not necessary to put any codes in the include field, if all hourly type earning codes should be considered. A blank include field simply means all applicable codes should be considered.

Please see PTO examples in this help system for more examples on setting up accumulators.


Example of a IRS garnishment code which excludes both the 401K and cafeteria plans (which are elective.). This is a disposable income calculator and deduction code.


ID 755 You may use any ID between 500 and 999.
EMPLOYEE 1916 This is the employee level code. (It is assumed you setup a company level code 1st.)
DESCRIPTION IRS Garnishment Any Description that best defines this garnishment..
CATEGORY D This is an employee deduction
FREQUENCY 0 Every Pay Period.
TYPE 21 Percentage of Net Pay.
INCLUDE -533, 601 Include all earnings and all employee deductions except codes 533 and 601
AMOUNT 75.00 This deduction will be for 75 percent of the employees net pay, ignoring codes 533 and 601
LIMIT 99999999.00 We are entering a very large limit, so we can enter a balance.
BALANCE 5000.00 The employee owes 5000.00 dollars more on this garnishment.


The assumption above is that code 533 represents a cafeteria plan and code 601 represents a 401K plan. These values and codes were chosen randomly, your values and codes are likely to be different of course. You would not need to exclude employer taxes (or employer matches), or direct deposit codes, since they are not considered in a Percent of Net calculation to begin with.


See also Advanced Includes above.


UNION ONLY:[Checked or Unchecked]

Check this box if this Earning or Deduction Code is for Union Employees only. If you click this option, then this code will only be given to union employees. An employee is considered a union employee if you have entered a union number in their employee record. (Assignments tab.)


Links with Code:

Links with Code is powerful advanced feature that allows codes to be grouped together for inclusion onto a paycheck, form or report. It is generally used, when a particular code or codes should always appear together on a paycheck whenever some other code is present. For instance when code 90 (SS Employee) is added to a check (or the employee's pick list), you will almost always want codes 91 (SS Employer), 98 (Medicare Employee) and 99 (Medicare Employer) to be added at the same time. To insure this occurs, codes 91, 98 and 99 link to code 90 (This is done for you by the CCS Setup routines.) Another instance when this feature is most useful, is when you have a unique tax (unique to your state, like a Training tax or SDI etc.) that should always appear when for instance the state SUTA code is present. If you link this tax (Say code 80) to your SUTA code (code 93), then anytime code 93 is present on the check, code 80 will be added for you automatically.

You can accomplish the above inclusion without the use of links, simply by adding all codes that need to be included together on a paycheck using the global setting, or adding them to the employee's pick list (rates tab), but linking is a more natural way of doing this, and allows the CCS Payroll program to insure the integrity of these groupings for you. (It will always work with the codes as a group, once you define your links.). The Links with code logic, is extremely useful when you have employee's who move from state to state and are therefor subject to different state or local taxes from time to time. See setting up job based taxation in the Multi-state Overview.

Note: When you link codes, and any code in the chain is added to a paycheck, all other codes will be added. For instance, adding code 98 to the paycheck will add codes 90, 91 and 99 if they are not already present.

When you set a code to link to another code, that codes global check box is disabled, the code will always be processed when the code it links to is processed.

Note: A Earning code can only link to an earning code, and a deduction code can only link to a deduction code. There is no limit to the number of links you can create, and a code that is being linked to, can link to another code, forming a chain of linked codes. It is permissible for a code to link to another code, that links to a 3rd code, that links back to the 1st code, however such a setup will prevent any codes global checkbox from being modified, therefor this is not a recommended setup. You should always have a "Top" level code that other codes link to either directly or indirectly, that will be used to control the global setting for the entire chain.

Another very important use of linked codes is to group Worker's Comp. codes. This is described fully in Setting up Worker's Compensation.




Whether or not to tie banking information to Deduction Codes (the button is disabled on Earning Codes) is an important decision. Here are some guidelines:

  1. If you do not want CCS Payroll to automate the payment of a specific deduction, then banking information is not required for that Deduction Code.
  2. If you want the program to aggregate deductions and produce one check to pay them, then you want to put the banking information in the Company Level Code. If, for example, you deduct 401K payments from your employees, and all of these deductions are paid to one bank, click on the Banking button and complete the information while at the Company-Level (Employee # = 0) Code. The Disbursement process will create one check for the total.
  3. If you want the program to create a separate check for each deduction, then click on the Banking button and complete the information while at the Employee-Level Code. If, for example, you garnish wages of certain employees for child support, you need to create Employee-Level Codes for each one and attach the banking information to each Employee-Level Code. The Disbursement process will create a separate check for each applicable employee.

Clicking on the Bank Button brings up the following form:

(As pictured, the Show Address check box has been checked, which caused the Address portion of the form to be visible.)

BANK NAME:[60 Alphanumeric Characters]

If paying this code electronically, enter the name of the bank that will receive the funds when this Deduction Code is disbursed. Not necessary if paying this code with a paper check.

ACCOUNT NUMBER:[15 Alphanumeric Characters]

If paying this code electronically, enter the number of the account to which the funds will be deposited when this Deduction Code is disbursed. Not necessary if paying this code with a paper check.

PAY VIA:[Look-up Value]

Choose the default method of payment when this Deduction Code is disbursed. This default method is utilized by the Disbursement Form whenever you request a specific Pay Mode.

Choices as of this writing are: ACH, ACH Impound, EFTPS Batch Filer, EFTPS PC Filer, Mark as Paid only, Paper Check or Paper Check Impound.

ROUTING NUMBER:[9 Alphanumeric Characters]

If paying this code electronically, enter the routing number of the bank that will receive the funds when this Deduction Code is disbursed. Not necessary if paying this code with a paper check.

Ref:[30 Alphanumeric Characters]

Enter data relevant to the payment. You could, for example, put a Case # for a child support payment or a garnishment. This field will print on the check and its stub. If this was a payment to an insurance company you might put the policy number or account number. In code 93 - 0, Suta please input your UCT code number here.

POST TO EMPLOYEE #:[90000-999999]

If you plan to disburse funds from this Code by creating a paper check, the program needs a way to incorporate this check in with the remainder of your payroll checks. This is accomplished by creating an "employee" that receives neither a W-2 nor a 1099. These paper checks will be assigned to this "employee", thereby allowing the check to appear in your check register and in all applicable reports. NOTE: You should assign Employee #'s to these bogus employees that are well beyond the range of actual employees. We suggest starting no lower than 90000 for these "employees."

If you have several Employee-Level Codes that are disbursed to the same bank, use this field to save duplicate data entry: assign a bogus Employee # the first time you enter the banking information for one Code. On the next Code, just enter the assigned Employee #. The program will copy the data from the first entry.

NOTE: Code 90-0 (SS Employee) banking information is linked to 91-0 (Company SS), 79-0 (EIC), 95-0 (Federal Withholding), and 98-0 (Employee Medicare) and 99-0 (Employer Medicare). When you complete the banking information in Code 90-0, the program fills in 91-0, 79-0, 95-0, 98-0, and 99-0 for you.

NOTE: If you do not put a number in this field and disburse the funds from this Code via a paper check, CCS Payroll will create a bogus employee for you and assign it the next available number within the allowable range.


If you will be creating paper checks to disburse the funds from this Code, input the Payee's name and address information as will be printed on the check. NOTE: See Disbursements and Direct Deposit for important details relative to banking information.


REPLACE CODE:[blank -999]

When a Code expires, the REPLACE CODE will be used in lieu of the original CODE. If no REPLACE CODE is entered here, an expired CODE will simply be ignored by the CCS Automatic Paycheck Generation. A Code expires in one of two ways:

  1. when the BALANCE is reduced to zero (and the LIMIT is not zero)
  2. via the EXPIRATION DATE, which is described below


The EXPIRATION DATE can be used to cause a CODE to expire on a specific calendar date. Expired codes that have no REPLACE CODE are ignored by the CCS Automatic Paycheck Generation Logic.

The EXPIRATION DATE is compared with the Week Ending date (the date entered in the Welcome Screen) to determine if this code has expired. A code expires the last minute of the last hour of the EXPIRATION DATE; therefore, a code is expired only if the Week Ending date is greater than the EXPIRATION DATE.

How the CCS Automatic Paycheck Generation Logic Handles Replacement Codes and Expirations.

  • When a Company Level Code expires, all children (Employee Level Codes of the same ID) expire, without regard to child expirations or successions.
  • If a global Company Code expires and there is a Replace Code, then that code acts as the new global code.
  • If a child code expires and there is no Replace Code, then the Company Code is used. In other words, the child override is disabled. If the Company Code has a zero Amount, then the Code has truly expired for that Employee. If, however, the Company Code specifies an Amount, then the new Amount will be triggered for subsequent Paychecks.
  • If either a Company Code or child Code expires and there is a Replacement Code, it is used as follows:
  1. If there is a Replacement Code specified, it will be used. (Otherwise the Company Code will be used.)
  2. If a Company Level Code used as a Replacement Code has expired and it has no Replacement Code specified, then the replacement logic terminates, and no code is used.
  3. If a child Code used as a Replacement Code has expired, then the Replacement Code's Company Level Code is examined. If it has not expired, it is then used.

For example, let's examine the Generation of a Paycheck for Employee 90 given the CODES below:

145 0 blank (none)
145 90 112
112 0 blank
112 90 126
126 0 blank


  • When child Code 145:90 expires, Company Code 112:0 will be analyzed. If it has expired, then Code 145:90 expires. If it has not expired, CCS will look for a child Code that has the same Employee # which, in this case, would be 112:90. If it exists, it will be analyzed and, assuming it has not expired, will serve as the Replacement Code. If the child Code has expired, then the Company Code (112:0) will be the Replacement Code.
  • When child Code 112:90 expires, Company Code 126:0 will be analyzed. If this code has not expired, it will be used. If 126:0 has indeed expired, 112:0 will be selected since it had not expired (the child Code expired, not the Company Code).
  • If Company Code 145:0 expires, no codes will be used since this is the start of a Company Code succession and there is no replacement. Had there been a replacement for CODE 145:0, then this tree would have been recurred upon its expiration only (not by the expiration of any child).

In summary, when a child tree expires, it always unwinds, and reverts back to the first company code that has not expired above it in the replacement sequence.

Expirations can be used to control when a CODE begins as well. For example, assume an Employee is not eligible for Holiday pay until a certain date. Define a "Dummy" CODE that has no calculations and expires on the date you want your Holiday CODE to begin. Use your Holiday CODE as the replacement code for this "Dummy" Code. When the "Dummy" Code expires, the Holiday Code will be enabled.


Stub Mode:[N, C, Y, or A]

This setting allows you to control which earning and deduction codes should appear on the paycheck stubs, and under what circumstances they should appear.

The Stub Mode Drop down List Box is only enabled when you set the "Enable Stub Mode" preference via preferences to YES. When this option is enabled, the newer style pay checks are used that allow more control over the formatting of the paycheck. As of this writing, both style paychecks are present and available for use. Future versions of the program will only use the newer style paychecks.

Valid choices are:

N- Never -- This code should never appear on a paycheck stub.

C - Current Activity -- This code should appear on the paycheck stub if it was active on the paycheck being printed.

A - Any YTD Activity -- This code should appear on the paycheck stub if the code has been used by the employee during the course of the payroll year.

Y - YTD total <> 0, -- This code should appear if the YTD total for this code is not zero and it has been used by the employee during the payroll year.

When the "Enable Stub Mode" is enabled in the other preference area, and you leave the Stub Mode blank (in this form/column), then the stub mode processing will assume the "A - Any YTD Activity" option.

When the Enable Stub Mode option is not enabled in the other preferences area, then this field will be disabled and the paychecks will utilize the "C - Current Activity" setting only.



GL DEBIT:[##-#####]

GL CREDIT:[##-#####]

If you will be interfacing your payroll system with a G/L then enter the G/L Debit or Credit Account that this code will affect in the your G/L; otherwise leave these fields blank.

You may enter just a base account such as "6500" or you may enter a base and DEPT combination, such as "6500-000". The CCS G/L uses a 4 dash 3 G/L Structure. However you may enter any format that is applicable to your G/L. --See below for further information regarding G/L Exporting and Account setup.

The "D" button on the right of the GL DEBIT/GL CREDIT entry area allows you to further define the transfer characteristics for this code. Pressing this button will display the dialog shown below:

"D" -- Define G/L Transfer

"Transfer all detail" -- is used when you want all detail (Every single transaction involving this code) to be transferred to your G/L. This is very useful for instance with code #2 (Net -- Which is your Payroll Checking Account). This will cause all the net amounts of all Paychecks and Disbursements via Paper check to be transferred in detail to your G/L. When the Detail mode is used, additional information about the item is included in the export, including the Employee # and Check #.

Normally, you will only want summary transactions. This mode, will summarize all occurrences of this G/L account in a given payroll period and liability period (check date).

"Append Department # if applicable" is used when your G/L and PAYROLL modules use the same DEPARTMENT structure. When you enter an account number in the GL DEBIT or GL CREDIT fields, you have the option of using several formats. You may enter just a base account such as "6500" or you may enter a base and dept. combination, such as "6500-100". When you choose to enter a base number only, and then select "Append Department #", the department number of the transaction being exported is used to complete the account number during the export (or reporting process). For example, if we assume the following: You defined your E/D Code #4 (Regular pay) as having a base account of "7610" for the G/L DEBIT account (The expense side). You clicked the "Append Department #", (For the Debit side). Let's further assume that for employee 1916, you have created a paycheck which uses department "200". Given this setup, then during the transfer to G/L, the DEPARTMENT of the actual "Regular Pay" transaction of the paycheck detail line, will be appended to the base account to form the complete G/L ACCOUNT, with the end result being "7610-200". This logic allows a single E/D code to alter any number of G/L ACCOUNTS, without having to define a separate E/D code for each Department.

Note: The XYZ Company (company 99) does not use this particular process, instead it has used a base - DEPT structure for all G/L Accounts. Additionally the G/L Department number for all expenses used was "010". There needs to be no correlation between your G/L ACCOUNT DEPARTMENTS and your PAYROLL departments, if you always use a full Account number in your G/L DEBIT/CREDIT fields.

The G/L Account Prefix and G/L Account Suffix are optional alphanumeric extensions that can be added to the final G/L account number that is exported or printed on all of the CCS G/L reports. These numbers do not alter the lookup routines used by the G/L Account number to G/L Account Descriptions. They are simply added to the displayed G/L account during export and reporting. If you are appending the department number as well, then the department number will first be appended, then the G/L Account suffix field will be added to the right of the department. You may enter a dash if applicable in either field.

Using the example above, if the base G/L number was 3010 and the department being exported was 010, then the final G/L Account number would be 3203010-0109



See Also the Payroll to G/L Export Dialog and the G/L Account Form for more information.


TAX ENTITIES:[Checked or Unchecked]

Most earnings and deductions can be designated as either taxable or nontaxable by each of the nine tax entities. This is accomplished by either checking or unchecking the checkboxes within this control. A deduction becomes a "Pretax" Deduction for those tax entities which are not checked. An Earning becomes a Tax-exempt earning for those tax entities which are not checked. The example above is often used for a 401k Deduction. The current checked/unchecked status shown above signifies that this CODE is a pretax deduction for Federal W/H, State W/H and Local W/H. The CCS Automatic Paycheck Creation Logic will deduct the "Total" for this CODE prior to the calculation of Fed., State and Local withholdings. However, the remaining taxes will be calculated as normal. Pretax deductions are calculated prior to all other deductions during the generation of paychecks.


Tax Overrides Dialog. This dialog is shown when you click the Overrides button above the Tax Entities area.

The "Overrides" button is only enabled when you set the "Enable Tax Overrides" preference to YES (via preferences -- Professional Version Only.) When this option is enabled, you can set the taxation for an earning or deduction on a state by state or locality by locality basis.

If you are using the Multi-State Employees mode (Payroll tab of the Company form.), and you have a tax free earning or pretax deduction that must be taxed differently from state to state or locality to locality, then you will need to use the Tax Overrides area to further define the taxation for each such earning or deduction. When you click the Overrides button while located in an applicable earning or deduction, a list of all tax entities that you have defined will be shown. You can then specifically set the taxation on a tax by tax basis. Clicking the check box means the earning is not tax free (or the deduction is not a pretax.), those taxes left unchecked are tax free earnings or pretax deductions.

You should not use this mode if all states or localites you have defined will handle the taxation in the same maner, as it requires greater processing during paycheck generation and tax reporting.

The example above is for a fictitious cafeteria setup (Cafeteria plan), where the local tax GAD - Gadsen, does not allow a cafeteria to be a pretax. All other tax entities have allowed this cafeteria to be a pretax, therefor they are all unchecked.

You may also use this capability to perform proper taxation during paycheck generation multi-state, multi-locallity earnings on a single paycheck.




Codes 79 and 90-99 are used by the CCS Payroll program in the following manner.

Code Description Comments
79 Advanced EIC Calculator Enter advanced EIC payments as a negative on the deduction side using code 79
90 Employee SS Calculates the SS (social security) the Employee
91 Employer SS Calculates the SS (social security) the Employer
92 FUTA Accumulator Used to accumulate the Futa liability.
93 SUTA Accumulator Used to accumulate the Suta liability.
94 W/COMP Accumulator Used to accumulate the Worker's comp. liability
95 Federal W/H Calculates the employee's federal w/h amount
96 State W/H Calculates the employee's state w/h amount(s) -- If your state has state w/h then click "Global" on code 96.
97 Local W/H Calculates the employee's local (city/county) withholding amounts(s)
98 Employee Medicare. When the SS limit is reached by a particular employee, this code alone is used for the Employee Medicare.
99 Employer Medicare. When the SS limit is reached by a particular employee, this code alone is used for Employer Medicare.

Versions previous to 3.00 used the following Codes:

Code Description Comments
90 Employee side of FICA Calculates and combines both the SS and Medicare for the Employee
91 Employer side of FICA Calculates and combines both the SS and Medicare for the Employer.
92 FUTA Accumulator Used to accumulate the Futa liability.
93 SUTA Accumulator Used to accumulate the Suta liability.
94 W/COMP Accumulator Used to accumulate the Worker's comp. liability
95 Advanced EIC Calculator Enter advanced EIC payments as a negative on the deduction side using code 95
96 Federal W/H Calculates the employee's federal w/h amount
97 State W/H Calculates the employee's state w/h amount(s) -- If your state has state w/h then click "Global" on code 97.
98 Local W/H Calculates the employee's local (city/county) withholding amounts(s)
99 Medicare only. When the SS limit is reached by a particular employee, this code alone is activated automatically by the CCS payroll system.


See also State Tax Setup:


Other Taxes:

Codes 80-89: Codes 80-89 are reserved so that you can create Tax Entities for state and local taxes, other than the standard state and local W/H taxes. Since most state and local taxes apply whenever SUTA applies, Codes 80-84 allow you to create Tax Entities that are levied whenever SUTA is levied. Codes 85-89 allow you to set up special State and Local tax deductions for those rare tax requirements that are levied differently from SUTA. Checking the "Tax Codes 85-89" checkbox (not shown in the above picture) will cause all of those Codes to be applied to the target earning.

NOTE: Even though Deduction Codes 80-89 exist, they will not be considered by the program unless you assign them to your employees either globally or individually.

Click here for a Alabama Example:

Click here for a California Example:

Click here for a New York Example:

Click here for a New Jersey Example:

Click here for a New Hampshire Example:

Click here for a Iowa Example:

Click here for a Massachusetts Example:

Click here for a Nevada Example:

Click here for a Washington Example:

Click here for a Pennsylvania Example:

Click here for a South Dakota Example:

Click here for an Oregon Example:

Click here for a North Carolina Example


Period:[read only], Month:[read only], Quarter:[read only], Year:[read only]

Each of these four fields are used to store the associated totals for the CODE. These fields are updated during the closing of a payroll; therefore, they always reflect the latest closed payroll, without regard to Paychecks created but not yet closed. These totals are not used in any manner during the calculation or generation of Paychecks; they are provided for information only. YTD totals used by the calculations of the CCS Automatic Paycheck Generation Logic are derived by totaling all existing paychecks for a given year. For example, prior to determining if the Limit for FICA has been reached for a particular employee, all FICA CODES for all paychecks on file for the Employee in the current year, up to and including the weekending of the paycheck being generated are summed. This value is then compared to the LIMIT.

Salaried Employees:

The default handling for salaried employees can be modified to either use code 4 or code 7 as the code used to represent their salary during the creation of a paycheck. If you mark code 7 (Salary) global, then all salaried employees will use code 7, not code 4 on the paycheck. If, however; you do not mark code 7 global, code 4 will be used. Irregardless, code 7 will not be given to non-salaried employees during paycheck creation. This logic applies to global codes only. If you assign code 4 or code 7 directly to an employee, that code will always be used.

Using code 7, instead of code 4 allows for more flexible reporting and G/L coding, since code 4 and code 7 can each be given separate G/L codes.


Setting up 3rd Party Sick Pay:

To setup 3rd party sick pay, you will need to create the following earning and deduction codes:

Create an Earning code of category "N" - Non cash earnings. -- Call it 3rd party sick pay (or whatever is applicable - however the text 3rd and sick must appear in the description)

Note: Be sure to check or UN-check the proper tax entities for which the 3rd party sick pay is taxable by, this varies from state to state, please consult a tax professional in your state for assistance in this matter.

Note: If you mark the first five checkboxes as tax exempt (Federal, State, Local, Employee FICA & Employer FICA) then this codes activity will be posed in box 12 of the W2 with a "J" -- 3rd party sick pay - Non taxable portion.

Create the following 3 deduction codes:

1) Category "D", Type 33 called -- Fed W/H paid by 3rd Party. (All tax entities of this code should be checked.)

2) Category "D", Type 34 called -- SS paid by 3rd Party. (All tax entities of this code should be checked.)

3) Category "D", Type 35 called -- MED paid by 3rd Party. (All tax entities of this code should be checked.)

Note: If the employee did not have federal withholding taken out of their sick pay earnings, then you do not need to create the Fed W/H deduction code shown above.

On the Payroll tab of the Company form, choose "1 - Uses 3rd party Sick Pay." from the 3rd Party Sick Pay drop down box. Create a check for the employee in whatever quarter they had such payments. Enter the Sick pay payment on the earning side. (Using the "N" category earning code you created.). Allow the taxes to calculate, that were withheld or for which you are liable. Then on the last line item (on the right hand side) add the applicable deduction codes you added in the steps above. (fed/ss/med paid by 3rd party). These codes will automatically calculate to a negative amount equal to amount of Fed, SS or Medicare amounts shown on the paycheck.

Important: Do not allow employee taxes to calculate that were not withheld (zero them out). You may allow any applicable employer taxes to calculate, as they will not affect the gross or net earnings of the paycheck. The check should now be zero. However the taxes and earnings have now been established.

When you run the quarterly report, 941, 943 or 944, the 3rd party sick pay earnings as well as the applicable tax adjustments will be reflected on the reports without further entries. When you print the W2 the additional earnings will show up. If you have used a non-cash earning as described above and chosen "1 - Uses 3rd party Sick Pay." on the payroll tab of the Company form, then the employees having 3rd party sick pay will have a "X" in the applicable box. You do not need a separate W2 for the employee, both regular and sick pay earnings can go on a single W2. This example assumes you are liable for the employer side of the taxes. If you are not, then you will need to adjust your process accordingly.