What does CCS Training Do?

How does it all Work?


Simply stated, the CCS Training Program Tracks, Schedules, and Reports on the Training status for any group of individuals. Requirements, scheduling, delinquencies, completions, qualifications, refreshers, etc. are constantly updated and maintained. Through its extensive reporting capability, you always know where you stand and what is needed to be in full compliance with any regulations or requirements imposed upon your COMPANY and EMPLOYEES. The following discussion briefly outlines how it all works.

Seven main Files (Tables) come together to form the heart of the Training Program. Clicking on a Table below will take you to the Entry/Edit Form for the table. The Form describes the role the table plays and how to Add, Edit and Delete records for the Table.

1. EMPLOYEE table.

2. TAGS Table.


4. TITLES Table.


6. EVENTS Detail Table.

7. Training Status Table.

Note: Several other tables are used by the CCS Training Program; however, they are not relevant to this discussion.

The Tables are linked together as follows:

Each Active EMPLOYEE has one or more EMPLOYEE TAGS.

Each Active Training TITLE has one or more TITLES TAGS.

The CCS Accounting Program internally joins the EMPLOYEE TAGS with the TITLES TAGS (wherever they match) to create a list of Requirements, which is written to the Status Table.


Assume EMPLOYEE John Doe, is an Electrician, so you have added the TAG "ELEC" to his TAGS list. (He may have many other TAGS as well).

When you add a particular TAG to an EMPLOYEES TAG list, you are saying that this EMPLOYEE needs to have all training that is associated with the TAG.

Note: The TAG ELEC is not hardwired (defined by CCS). You can create any name for any TAG. Also, properly set up, TAGS are automatically given to EMPLOYEES based on their CLASS, CRAFT, and CREW (location) assignments.

Further assume you have the following Training TITLES, to which you have assigned the following TAGS:

ELEC101 Electrical Safety 101. ELEC
FIRE_HAZ Fire hazards -- First responder. ELEC, FIRE

When you add a particular TAG to a TITLE, you are saying that this TITLE is applicable to (required by) all EMPLOYEES who have the same TAG in their TAGS list.

(Note: Creating a TITLE without any TAGS is also valid: a TITLE without TAGS will be available, but it will never be automatically assigned to any employee. You would have to manually assign this TITLE to each EMPLOYEE who needed the training it represents.)

Based on the above example, as soon as EMPLOYEE John Doe receives the "ELEC" TAG, he will be required to complete the following Training: ELEC101, ALL, and FIRE_HAZ. (He may also be required to complete many other training TITLES based on other TAGS in his TAGS list.) He will be delinquent and unqualified as an Electrician until all three training TITLES have been completed. (Had he been given the TAG "FIRE" instead of "ELEC", he would have been required to complete ALL and FIRE_HAZ, but he would not have been required to complete ELEC101.)

To give Mr. Doe his training, A Training EVENT must be scheduled that he will attend. Programmatically, this is accomplished through the EVENTS Entry/Edit Form. When creating an EVENT, you enter the DATE and the training TITLES that the training EVENT will cover. (An EVENT can cover any number of training TITLES.) You then assign EMPLOYEES to attend this event. This can be done automatically or manually:

AUTOMATIC: The program assigns employees based on their needs, on their areas of work, or on their CLASSification and CRAFT codes.

MANUALLY: You associate each EMPLOYEE with the desired EVENT.

When the EVENT is completed, you enter a STATUS for each EMPLOYEE who attended the EVENT. The CCS Program then updates the Training Status Table to reflect the new training. Those who received a passing score ("C", for complete) will have their status records marked so marked. If there is to be a refresher course for this TRAINING, the refresher date will be calculated and updated as well. Once an EMPLOYEE completes all the training that a particular TAG requires, he or she becomes qualified in that TAG.

Note: The CCS Training module does not define any TAGS, TITLES, EVENTS, etc. You set things up in whatever manner fits your situation. CCS Training will then bring it all together, schedule things accordingly, and keep it all straight.


The above discussion is intended as an overview of the CCS Training Module. As such, this overview skimmed over many of the details and omitted many routines. Everything is discussed in great detail in context-specific help pages. The single-most important concept for you to understand is that you have complete freedom to define who needs what training and when. There is no limit to the number of EMPLOYEES, TAGS, TITLES, EVENTS or status records that you can create. Whether you have 20 EMPLOYEES or 20,000, The CCS Training Program can handle it.

Note: Explore the XYZ Company Training data that ships with this program. If the data closely fits your situation, you may opt to import the TAGS and TITLES defined for the XYZ COMPANY into a COMPANY that you create. Importing the data would give you a jump start on the setup process.

See COMPANY Entry/Edit Form for information about the XYZ Sample COMPANY.

See the EMPLOYEE Entry/Edit form for a detailed discusion on CRAFTS/CLASSES and CREWS.